A year in blogging

Nations: A Simulation Game in International Po...

Nations: A Simulation Game in International Politics (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am an eternal optimist. Depending on whether you share my outlook, you will either think this is a blessing of a curse. I always tend to look on the bright side and I always think that the next 12 months will be better than the last. Even in the face of a few knocks, I tend to dust myself off, take a deep breath and carry on.

This is the year I started this blog. I already had a blog on finextra.com and an internal blog with my employer, but I set this up as a playground to write what I wanted and hopefully improve my writing skills. After 8 months, 123 blog posts, an estimated 60,000 words, 100 comments and 300 likes has it been a success?

The fact that I still love blogging is a good sign. In general, my interests tend to have a short, intensive life before they burn out in a fit of apathy. The only exception up until now was playing games which has lasted for decades. I am glad to have doubled my hobbies. In general, I spend about 6 hours a week writing blogs (and probably the same again thinking about what I’m going to write).

Although I’m probably not the best judge, I feel that my writing has improved. The style checker used to have a field day underlining my initial efforts. These days, there are fewer suggestions for improvement. Whereas I used to struggle with the dreaded passive voice, these days I now understand what it is, instinctively avoid it and I’m comfortable with where I use it – something I never thought I’d get the hang of.

WordPress is an amazing platform. The way they use game mechanics to encourage bloggers to keep going is a brilliant piece of design. I still get excited when I receive notifications. It is also an unbeatable way of finding other interesting blogs to read on a diverse set of subjects.

Everything I read about being a good writer tells me that I should read more. I’ve read more books this year than ever and it does help with both style and imagination. I’ve been careful to challenge myself with what i read as well – avoiding the usual tropes and going for books I would not have chosen before.

So what next? I would like to have a go at something a little more substantial – a novella perhaps rather than a short story. Hopefully that will be the stepping stone up to a book of some description. I would also like to have a go at getting something professionally published. Although I have dabbled this year, I will make a more concerted effort in the next 12 months.

I would like to thank all those who take the time to read my posts. To those who go further and make comments, click on the like button or share my posts with a wider audience – I appreciate it.

Have a great Christmas and here’s to a great next 12 months.

6 comments on “A year in blogging

  1. Dude!

    So happy for you! Congratulations on your first Blogoversary! I just celebrated my second and went through the same feelings as you did.

    I am an Aries [born on April 1st] and I can totally relate to you. Optimist all the way!
    Wishing you all the best for your second year, and if you ever want to stop by and promote your short story, novella or a novel, let me know and I’ll have you on b2b.

    Keep on writing and we’ll be here reading ;-D


  2. Blogging is better than a trip to the psychologist. It’s incredible what you learn about yourself as well as others. Sounds like your year has been very successful. I have a feeling next year will be spectacular for you. All the best, and thanks so much for mentioning my blog. 🙂

  3. I Just registered with WordPress to like your blog ! Your blogs are just awesome!! Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!


  4. Your blogs are something i look forward to, whenever i get Yammer alerts :). They are quite pragmatic, thought provoking and refreshing. Just that bit of ‘intellectual kick’ one would need on an otherwise routine day. Thank you, for the wonderful posts.

    A friend once corrected me: never wish someone “best of luck” , instead “wish them success”. I wish you success in the coming years. You sure, will touch more lives along your penning journey.

    Merry christmas and happy new year !

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